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Saturday, September 18, 2010
It do matters:)

Actually family is a thing that acc u thru all ur life. I agree I have been neglecting my family ESP daddy side who live quite far away frm me. I know that harsh words have been said. I do admit I do have wrong, and I will promise to visit grandma next yr together with my little one. I have coming to sense after being preg or even going up much more matured than before. But the words that came up were hurtful but I will forgive and forget. If u dun forget, u will still rmb that thing whenever there is misunderstanding occur. That's my own thinking. Even little one agree as she was kicking me when I am typing. Therefore I am still struggling whether I am wanna go as cfm there will be weird situation at cousin wedding but once again cousin was right, she getting married once in a lifetime and If I ran away everytime then there will be no changes for the weird situation. I dun wanna to stay like that forever. Thereafter I will go cousin wedding meanwhile I can go see grandma and let her see my big tummy and hw I look walking like a humpty dumpty:)) last of all this are all my thinking no offences:)

5:33 AM simplicity! x3

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I just here to upload smth photos:) 2 pics with my tummy.Yet ppl say its so small:( last pic: baby saying hi!!! pardon the first one i look kinda shag w/o make up:)

Btw if u mummies have any baby items eg like breastpump,playpen ,carrier etc (expt clothing) for sale just leave me a tag i will contact u:) or probably just e mail me @ zhang.clarissa@gmail.com:) Pics provided pls:))) Still cracking my brain for baby precious name any idea tag me!!! and last but nt least i looking for a laptop anyone selling do tag me too:)

3:09 AM simplicity! x3

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Well was busy with part time jobs and daily routine and yea i lazy afterall:) At mummy hse currently, waiting for sis to get ready so we can head to cousin samantha hse to see his baby boy kayden:) He is nearly one years old yet i have dun have the time to see him. Still struggling with precious name i really dunno wad to name her. Getting more and more excited as my tummy is really can be seen and i am really enjoying this period of time to buy precious stuffs and clothing as well as coco has given me some of her stuffs that she is no longer using. Thanks Coco:) LAst week went to NUH for detailed scan baby was really good girl even the gyane praise her for that. As gynae cnt feel her heartbeat after several trying, precious turn her body so gynae can scan her heartbeat. Dr chua even mention that she gonna be a real chubby and active baby once she is out cause she already like this in my tummy:) updated soon once i have picture of baby precious ultrascan photos:)

1:48 AM simplicity! x3

Friday, July 16, 2010

Went for gynae check up today. Everything was fine:) heard baby heartbeat and Dr chua say will have a detail scan on the next check up. So i ask her whether can i know the gender by today so she say YES. Went for the scan and expected I likely to be having a baby girl, as i have six sense of having girl. Broke the news to hubby well he is glad:) As now i am brain storming for baby names. Wanted Tricia as baby's name. Still considering:) update baby ultrascan pics more when i am free:)

5:19 AM simplicity! x3

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sorry for the  late update.. I was resting at home for nearly 2 weeks plus..I just came back frm a operation..I having my cervix tighten up.I have cramping the whole night,so unbearable:( Hope baby will be safe and sound.. next appointment on the 16th for baby gender!!! so excited:)

1:02 AM simplicity! x3

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ystd went to visit the gynae for baby's monthly check up. Heard the heartbeat everything was fine but Dr chua wanted to have my cervix tied up as i have symptons of loose cervix for my last miscarriage..I was nervous at the same time rest assured that nothing gonna happen to my this pregnancy anymore:) After the last miscarriage i kept having some kind like phobia that every now and then i felt pain i will starting to get nervous.And also its nearing to 5 months get me more and more worried that the same thing will happen again.. Thus this operation will lead me feel better.. Lastly Dr chua heard everything that happen to my last pregnancy she told me that my miscarriage can be save ans the baby shld be alive but that hospital did nt wanted to try their very best to save it.. Disgrace for that hospital!! last of all wish me luck for my operation:)

12:45 AM simplicity! x3

Monday, June 7, 2010

A picture of my baby!!

Currently went back to my own house:) Ages since i update my blog too busy with work as i have change to part time instead of full time too tiring for me..Yup i promise will announce once i am ready.  I am once again preg.. I currently 11 weeks preg and i have been changing gynae at last i have a suitable one. Thanks coco for recommending her gynae to me:) Its at NUH and its much much nearer then KKH and place is much more advanced most of all the waiting time is much much shorter.Went for check up on the 5th of june, doctor say everything is going well for baby and me. Done the scan yet baby still do a somersault for me..Nearly in tears:) Since i have a miscarriage months back my gynae was very concern about me and baby.. Hope everything will be fine..Thumbs ups for my gynae!!!

1:52 AM simplicity! x3



Love me? pls enjoy your stay..
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About her

Claris her name.
She loves her Richard Sim

She adore labels and loves
Loves shopping,cam-whoring and her lovely girls:)

She dislike nothing as nothing is perfect neither is she
She like to live in La-la land

& Shes the one & onli HER